Saturday, August 05, 2023

"Shear" tourism --- Iowans in Scotland

I run across stray Iowans in unlikely places now and then while cruising the world vicariously with YouTube vloggers. This week --- Alex and Katherine Moser of Larchwood in far northwest Iowa, visiting in Scotland after participating with Team USA in the Golden Shears world sheep shearing championships at the Royal Highland Show at Ingliston in the west of Edinburgh.

That's Alex at left with Cammy Wilson of "The Sheep Game." Wilson, a prolific (and entertaining) vlogger, raises sheep and shears professionally in Ayrshire.

Yes, I like sheep. I grew up with them and find UK and Irish sheep operations endlessly fascinating.

Alex Moser happens to be the U.S. national shearing champion and finished 20th overall at the world championships against stiff competition from, well, all over the world. He also took top place in last year's Iowa State Fair shearing competition.

Here's the The Sheep Game post featuring the Mosers. You can also subscribe to Cammy's YouTube channel if interested in some good, clean --- but sheepish --- fun.

Also featured in this clip is Katie McRose, of Texas, who with her wife, Darian, operates (and vlogs) as Right Choice Shearing. With two million subscribers, theirs is among the largest ag-related vlogs out there. Here's a link to their channel.

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