Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Michigan Lily

Photographed 2 July 2009 along Cinder Path southwest of Chariton.

Lilium michiganense. A prairie plant native to Lucas County sometimes mistaken for naturalized Asian "tiger lilies," Lilium lancifolium, but more delicate. A true lily that grows one and a half to 4 feet tall, unbranched stems, leaves usually whorled in clusters of 3-7 with one to 6 nodding flowers above on stalks 4-8 inches long. Yellow bulb with fibrous root system below. Blooms for about a month at midsummer.

Prefers moist black-soil prairies, woodland openings, Bur Oak savannas and moist meadows along streams or marshy areas.

Photographed 2 July 2009 along Cinder Path southwest of Chariton.

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