Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Fear and loathing under the golden dome ....

My goodness, Tuesday was a contentious day at the Iowa Capitol building as Republican majorities in the House and Senate pushed through a near total ban on abortion, due to become law immediately upon signature Friday by Gov. Kim Reynolds, also a Republican.

Fair disclosure --- I believe abortion should be legal in most cases and that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies. Period.

For a balanced overview of the day's events I'd recommend the piece at Iowa Captial Dispatch headlined, "Iowa Legislature passes legislation to outlaw most abortions after six weeks," by veteran journalist Kathie Obradovich and reporting intern Jay Waagmeester.

As far as think pieces are concerned, I liked Ira Lacher's "Field day for the heat" at Laura Belin's Bleeding Heartland.

As Mr. Lacher points out, Iowa has found itself in a situation where those in charge at the capitol can enact whatever right-wing legislation appeals to them in large part because their ideological constituents turned out to vote.

The same can't be said for Democrats or progressive independents who, in crucial numbers, have opted to sit out crucial elections.

The author also suggests that everyone involved turn down the volume on hateful rhetoric. That doesn't mean one shouldn't express one's views --- forcefully when appropriate.

It's just that the old rule generally applies: In any debate, he or she who loses his or her temper loses. Period.

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