Sunday, March 05, 2023

A new frame for this calendar's 120th birthday

This lovely piece of ephemera from the Lucas County Historical Society collection,  a pristine 1903 calendar distributed by Chariton's First National Bank, returned to the museum yesterday after having been treated to a new frame for its 120th birthday. Not bad for a scrap of embossed paper that really wasn't expected to last much longer than a calendar year.

First National was located in the Union Block on the northwest corner of the square, long since demolished.

The bank officers listed on the calendar are Smith H. Mallory, president; Frank R. Crocker, cashier; and Willard P. Beem, assistant cashier.

That's Frank (far left) and Willard (second from left) in this image taken inside the bank about 1900. The others in the photograph are employees W. Bert Beem and Clarence Blake. Mr. Mallory is looking down from a portrait high on the far wall.

As it turns out, 1903 was a momentous year for the bank. Mallory died on March 26 of that year, leaving Crocker in full charge. Without supervision, Crocker began to speculate with bank funds and, as of Nov. 1, 1907, bankrupted it (he had killed himself the previous day).

A new National Bank rose from the ashes. This long-lived calendar is a rare reminder of buildings, businesses --- and people --- long gone.

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