Friday, January 06, 2023

The Wexford Carol on Epiphany ....

Here it is the feast day of the Epiphany, the last celebratory day of the season. So I'm listening to a final carol --- one of the loveliest.

The Wexford Carol  can be tracked back to 12th century Ireland and so is among the earliest Christmas expressions in song. The performers are bluegrass great Alison Krauss accompanied by Yo-Yo Ma.

If you had your black-eyed peas on New Year Day, another way to avoid bad luck during 2023 is to make sure all of your holiday decorations are down and tucked away by the end of today.

If you've missed that goal, I'm told, there's redemption if you leave them up until Candlemas, Feb. 2. So there's another route to procrastination.

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