Saturday, January 07, 2023

Good luck on that "understanding" business ....

Well, 2023 has gotten off to an interesting start, ranging from apparent chaos among Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives to considerable pearl-clutching in Britain (and here, too) about the latest revelations in Prince Harry's tell-all.

The former is of considerable interest because it signals the disruption we can expect during the next couple of years from a political party that has no strategy for improving the United States of America, only a hazardous predisposition to burn it down.

The latter, of no consequence at all.

I found this bit of wisdom, "If only we fought just as hard to understand as we do to disagree," last week while tuning in now and then to see how the endless votes for U.S. House speaker were going.

Good advice. But there is a caveat here --- circumstances change these days at the drop of a gavel, so it's necessary to pay attention or you'll find yourself fighting to understand something that no longer matters. Good luck!

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