Sunday, September 11, 2022

When the wounds still are open ....

I wonder sometimes on this anniversary date and at other times if we'll ever recover --- or if we should --- from the collective case of societal post traumatic stress disorder that resulted from the events of Sept. 11, 2001. Our complacent sense of national invulnerability shattered in seconds.

Looking around for something to post this morning, I happened upon these words from Sandy Dahl, whose husband, Jason Dahl,, was the captain of Flight 93, which crashed into a Pennsylvania farm field on Sept. 11, 2001, as terrorists tried to hijack the plane and passengers and crew members fought back.

In the aftermath, Ms. Dahl became a tireless advocate for appropriate remembrance.

And then 911 claimed her indirectly, too --- she died at 52 during May of 2012 in Lakewood, Colorado, of a heart disorder aggravated by an overdose of mixed alcohol and prescription drugs.

Soon after 911, we declared "war" on terrorism and we seem to have been at war about one thing or another ever since, most recently against a virus and its variants. It always has to be a war. And I'm not sure that conceptual framework is helpful if the goal is healing.

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