Friday, September 09, 2022

The queen is dead, long live ....

I came across the following line from writer Andrew Sullivan yesterday while browsing the news of Queen Elizabeth II's death at 96 at Balmoral --- "I fear that everything she exemplified - restraint, duty, grace, reticence, persistence - are disappearing from the world."

There's a good deal of truth in that, going a long way toward explaining why the universe seems a little emptier this morning; there was a distinct echo when the door slammed behind that great symbol of continuity in so many lives. By some estimates, 9 out of 10 humans alive today were born during her reign; her face most likely is the most familiar in the world.

Personally, I've a good deal of sympathy for the now king, Charles III. Can you imaging starting a new job at the age of 73?

A Dutch farmer I follow on Instagram posted this brief analysis of how the world was reacting to the news: "The Brits are mourning; the Irish seem ready to throw a party; the former colonies are 50/50 on the matter; and America went to war to get independence from the crown, but now it seem they loved the queen even more than the Brits do."

And then there was this, tongue-in-cheek I'm almost sure:

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