Sunday, September 18, 2022

At another St. Andrew's (on Martha's Vineyard)

I set out this Sunday morning to find something positive to read at a time when the media tend to be littered with stories of alleged Christians behaving badly.

So here's a link to a report from Episcopal News Service about the hospitality shown last week by the parish of another St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, this one on Martha's Vineyard, where Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, a Catholic, arranged to have 48 immigrants dumped in a display of political stuntsmanship.

DeSantis and other GOP governors, most notably Greg Abbott of Texas and Doug Ducey of Arizona, both of whom also are Catholics, have been exploiting immigrants in this manner for some time now.

Martha's Vineyard is a playground for the rich and famous in summer but a small community of year-around residents who are neither rich nor famous and have relatively few of the resources available in mainland cities. These are the people who form the congregation of St. Andrew's, Edgartown, who seeing the need, opened their church and parish hall to house and feed the strangers for two days 

The immigrants were moved to Joint Base Cape Cod on Friday.

The Biblical directive to welcome the stranger, the wayfarer and the immigrant seems fairly clear. The parishioners to St. Andrew's get it. The governors don't.

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