Saturday, November 07, 2020

The healing nature of music ...

Here's a restful and inspiring way to begin a day sure to be dominated again by the angst of U.S. politics, this from the U.K.

It features 80-year-old Paul Harvey, a composer, concert pianist and music teacher who is living with dementia. The other gentleman is his son, Nick.

According to Nick, his dad was having a bad day earlier this year and he recalled a party trick the elder Harvey used to perform --- assigned four notes at random, he would compose a tune spontaneously at the keyboard.

The result went "viral" on social media, was picked up, orchestrated and performed by the BBC Philharmonic --- as performed here. Frosting on the cake, for Paul Harvey, was a virtual face-to-face encounter with his hero, Stephen Sondheim.

So enjoy it, and include a little music in your day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Big Thanks for that beautiful story and music.