Subtitled: The inadvertent omissions of Bob (and Kylie) and the hazards of trying to acknowledge people publicly.
Some have asked if the program presented at Monday evening's annual meeting of the Lucas County Historical Society might be made available more widely. So here it is, on YouTube.
The presentation in this form runs about 15 minutes, but the slides are up for only 7 seconds each, so you may find it necessary to hit the "stop" and "forward" buttons a few times in order to read some of the narrative panels. The narration that stretched this program to an hour-plus (yikes) was off-the-cuff, not recorded, so feel free to listen to a little music of your own choosing while watching.
Also --- I'm fully aware of the hazards of trying to name in a public setting everyone who deserves acknowledgement. Someone almost always is forgotten.
In reading off my carefully alphabitized list of LCHS board members Monday night, and publishing it here the next morning, I failed to count heads and so didn't realize that I'd inadvertently omitted the name of Bob Ulrich. That's Bob immediately below, with friend, at one of our annual harvest festivals.
We're governed by a 16-member board: Darlene Arnold, Char Asell, Adam Bahr, Ann Moon, Lucinda Burkhalter, John Hamilton, Ray Meyer, Nash Cox, Kylie Dittmer, Steve Laing, Frank Myers, Jerry Pierschbacher, Jim Secor, Joe Sellers, Fred Steinbach and Bob Ulrich.
And then a little later, Fred, in his capacity as chair of the Finance Committee, inadvertently failed to mention Kylie when acknowledging committee members. Kylie chairs the Grants Subcommittee, and actually writes the grants that enable us to do a substantial portion of our work.
She asked, logically, "So just how much money do I have to raise in order to be acknowledged?"
I'm not going to try to name other members of the Finance Committee because that list is at the office rather than here --- and if I try to work from memory, I'll just forget someone else! And I don't have a decent photo of Kylie at hand, either --- so that's why she has been named but remains faceless.
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