Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Cemetery morning

One thing about the Chariton Cemetery --- it rarely seems, well, dead. Somebody's always walking, running, riding a bike, working. All sorts of things --- other than walking a dog. Dogs are not allowed. Sorry.

This is the way it looked early Tuesday not that long after sun-up, looking down toward the shelter, then off to the south past one of the shelter house urns.

Just in case anyone's been wondering what Warren Wallace is up to these days, this is it --- mowing the cemetery lawn as a volunteer. That's one reason why the cemetery is looking so good this year. Two other workers also were out early Tuesday, clipping around stones.

Today's predicted high is 98; Independence Day, 99; and Thursday, 100. Hang onto your hat. You'll need it to fan yourself with. Drink plenty of water, too.

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