Saturday, November 11, 2023

Out and about on Veterans Day

So there I was yesterday morning, jammed shoulder to shoulder just inside the Hy-Vee entrance and looking I guess a little dazed. The parking lot had been full and a big flag was waving from the boom of a fire truck parked nearby.

The goal had been to pick up a few groceries --- overlooked was the fact Hy-Vee's annual Veterans Day breakfast had been scheduled for Nov. 10 rather than Nov. 11.

This guy with a big grin spotted me and asked, "Are you a veteran?" I allowed that I was. Where did you serve: Vietnam; what did you do: it's complicated.

After turning down a free calendar and an invite to an anti-fraud seminar, the next stop was the end of the food line --- cinnamon rolls, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, hash browns, scrambled eggs, drink of choice. Good stuff.

Then I sat down across the table from Amy Sinclair, rural Allerton, who is our state senator. Sen. Sinclair led the charge this year for Iowa's new school voucher plan --- channeling public dollars into private education.

She has an engaging personality and a firm handshake. I introduced myself as a gay Democrat who would never under any circumstances vote for her --- but welcome to Chariton anyhow.

I may have embarrassed Earl Comstock, who was sitting there, too. I hope not. But a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.


The illustration here is intended to honor all of our LGBTQ+ veterans who had to fight the prejudices of their fellow countrymen in order to serve and, in many cases, die for them.

You're my heroes this Veterans Day --- and always.

And thanks, Hy-Vee, for the breakfast!

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