Tuesday, November 14, 2023

An "unmotherly sort" from Lucas County

I came across this sad little story involving a young woman reportedly from Lucas County in The Red Oak Express of Sept. 13, 1877. Yes, there was a Lock family living in Lucas County during both 1870 and 1880, but no --- there's no way to link it to the woman and her brother, mentioned here.

Whatever the case, the hope is that there was a positive outcome for both mother and child.

The Montgomery County map is taken from the Andreas Atlas of Iowa, 1875.


One of the Unmotherly Sort --- A prominent citizen of this place, on returning home Friday night, found an interesting looking package on his doorstep; on examination it was discovered to be nothing less than a child, some five or six weeks old, that had been left there in the absence of the family.

The proper authorities were notified, and in the morning a woman by the name of Lock, some 25 years old from appearance, was arrested on suspicion and upon investigation of the case, she was found to be the mother of the child.

According to her story, her parents live in Lucas county, and to escape disgrace she left home early in July and went to Fremont county, where the child was born. She came up on the branch road and was met, by previous arrangement, at the depot at this place, by a brother who lives in this county, some six or eight miles northeast of Red Oak. It seems to have been the brother that engineered the affair.

Taking her statement the parents knew nothing of her condition when she left home, and she was to return as if she had been on a visit to her brother during the summer.

She was finally released --- took the child, and was glad to get away.

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