Thursday, September 07, 2023

Open house at the museum Saturday, Sept. 16

Take note, please, that there will be a fall open house at the Lucas County Historical Society Museum in Chariton from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 16.

This slots into a busy weekend --- between Homecoming on Friday, Sept. 15, and the big centennial observance for Hotel Charitone and the Chariton High School building on Sunday, Sept. 17.

The museum generally is open on Saturdays by appointment only, so this will open up another opportunity to visit, especially for those who may be in town for the big weekend.

All seven buildings on the campus will be open for tours and hot cider and doughnuts fresh from Piper's will be served.


Meanwhile, I'm feeling a little like a hamster on an exercise wheel in my cage while working on scripts for the annual Chariton Cemetery Heritage Tour, scheduled for 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24.

So now I've got to get back to work figuring out how Susanna Millan Custer would tell the story of her encounter with the Potawatomi back in 1848 ....

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