Saturday, August 26, 2023

Rural Iowa & the pandemic: Three years later

I noticed last week via Facebook friendships that Chariton's Dr. Greg Cohen, veteran family practice physician, was isolating himself on the second floor of the family home during a new bout with COVID-19, something those on the front lines of healthcare are prone to despite precautions.

Three years ago, Dr. Cohen wrote a widely read essay about some of the frustrations of the pandemic's early days in rural Iowa.

As it turns out, he was engaged while recuperating more recently in writing an update, headlined "What have I learned? A rural family physician’s pandemic experience." You can find that essay this morning at Laura Belin's Bleeding Heartland by following the link.

The essay includes both conclusions and recommendations --- you really do need to read it as we prepare to launch into a new "flu season."

Beyond the clinical, Dr. Cohen offers this sound advice: "Finally, regardless of where you stand, and what you have or have not done for the last 3-plus years, try to be a little kinder, a little more patient, and a little more accepting of our differences. The damage the pandemic has caused to our families, friends, communities and country has been devastating. No part of our way of life and none of us has been left untouched. We all need a whole lot of healing, and it starts with us."

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