Thursday, August 17, 2023

It used to be "Artificial Insemination"

Back in the good old days, say "AI" in farm and ranch country and everyone knew what you were talking about --- "Artificial Insemination" as applied to livestock.

These days, "Artificial Intelligence" has moved to the fore in the field of acronyms. That's the "intelligence" of machines or software rather than of humans or animals. 

Most of us use this variety of "AI" daily, and think nothing of it. Google search, anyone?

And then there have been news stories lately about the Mason City school district --- pioneering the use of AI to develop lists of potentially ban-worthy books.

But these are more fun --- developed by entrepreneurial types who have used AI imaging software to develop fake photographs of stereotypical residents of these disunited states of ours.

These two images purported to stereotypical Iowans caught my attention this morning --- Chuck Grassley's counterpart in a corn-cob hat at the top; a slightly updated American Gothic couple below.

An AI-based Google search will generate many images of a similar type for other states. So have fun frittering away time this morning.

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