Sunday, July 23, 2023

The latest in swimwear --- in the 1920s

We're heading into what's promised to be the hottest week so far this summer, so here's an appropriate snapshot of two young women dressed in the latest swimming gear --- from the early 1920s.

The subjects are the Gunn sisters, natives to Seymour but long-time residents of Chariton after their marriages. The snapshot is from the Lucas County Historical Society collection. There's nothing to indicate where it was taken.

On the left is Ruth Amarylis Gunn (note the monogram on her swim suit), born during 1900 and married to Harold Brightwell during 1923. Mr. Brightwell operated jewelry stores in Chariton from 1921 until retirement in 1956.

On the right is her sister, Mary Iris Gunn, born in 1906, who married Otis T. Hixon. The Hixons lived in Chariton for many years, too, but retired to Arkansas.

I'm guessing that the snapshot was taken prior to Ruth's marriage, but could be mistaken about that. Whatever the case, the sisters were turned out in the latest lakeside fashion.

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