Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Iowa State Fair back in 1923

The 2023 Iowa State Fair runs August 10-20, commencing a week earlier than the 1923 version but just a day longer. Other changes are more notable.

Admission to "Iowa's Prosperity Fair" at the gate in 1923 was 50 cents; regular gate admission this year will be $16 for adults ($10 for youngsters age 6-11). Parking extra.

And if you were a Lucas Countyan back in 1923 but not an "automobilist" you could take advantage of a special rate for an excursion commencing at the Rock Island depot --- Regular fare plus a third for a round trip. Your return ticket would expire at midnight on the final day of the fair.

If you could figure out how to get your tent to Des Moines, camping on the grounds was free.

Here's The Herald-Patriot's report on the opening of the 1923 fair, as published on Thursday, Aug. 23:


Lucas county people are to be represented in good numbers at Iowa's sixty-ninth annual State Fair, according to expressed intentions which are heard, generally. Many automobilists plan to make the trip to Des Moines over the weekend while others are preparing to make a stay of several days at the state's big "prosperity exposition." The fair, which opened yesterday, will close Friday, August 31st.

Reports from Des Moines indicate that a record breaking attendance will mark this year's exposition. Reduced rail rates are advertised, the price of admission has been cut to fifty cents, and fair weather and good roads, all are responsible for the anticipations of fair officers for the most successful event in the history of the state association. Yesterday, the first day's attendance passed the 10,000 mark. This is approximately 3,000 more than was recorded on the opening day last year.

Exhibits, concessions and other ends of the fair are said to run the heaviest in the history of the exposition. Cattle barns, horse barns and stock pavilions are filled with blue ribbon speciments while the big open air machinery tract is said to represent the appearance of an industrial city. More than 40 acres is being devoted to machinery displays. Automobile exhibitors will display 200 cars, while accessory exhibits will occupy more space than ever before. A total of 817 concessions are operating on the grounds, is the information included in a Des Moines report.

Many families are making use of the camping grounds while attending the constantly varying program and seeing the multitude of exhibits. Not less than 10,000 campers from all parts of Iowa and surrounding states will have their tents pitched on the grounds by the end of the week, it is believed.

The program beginning Friday will embrace auto races, band concerts, aviation thrillers, a big fireworks spectacle, hippodrome and many other features of entertainment.

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