Friday, July 14, 2023

Catching up with Erika and Will ....

So my cousin, Erika, called from the square early yesterday afternoon --- proving once again that in the south of Iowa all roads lead to Piper's, or at least should --- even when they begin in Rochester, New York.

Erika's mom is my first-cousin, Karen. Although she grew up in upstate New York, Erika has many fond memories of Iowa and our family farm just west of Williamson Pond because that was the retirement home of her grandparents, my late uncle and aunt, Richard and Marie Miller, parents of Karen, Suzanne and Linda.

But Will had never been to Iowa and Erika wanted him to experience that, so they checked in this week at an airbnb on a working farm near here for a couple of days. 

Among other things, they got to experience a good old-fashioned Iowa thunderstorm as it rolled in across the prairie --- something upstate New Yorkers are not accustomed to. In addition to familiar scenes (including Piper's) in Lucas County, they planned to visit Pella, perhaps even the bridges of Madison County.

I offered up a quick tour of the museum and told Will, as we looked under the hood of the historical society's 1929 Model-A, that the carburetor needed work. He's a mechanic and pronounced the old vehicle's immaculate engine a mechanic's dream. Said he'd love to work on it. Sadly, I told him, we couldn't afford mileage to and from New York, so probably will have to find someone locally.

Anyhow, it was great fun to spend a couple of hours with Erika and Will and to catch up.

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