Friday, July 07, 2023

At least they didn't name him Methuselah ....

Sometimes, I consider the given names doting parents saddle their unfortunate children with in these progressive days of the 21st century --- and despair. Then I look at the names doting parents saddled their unfortunate children with 200 or more years ago --- and decide that maybe the 21st century isn't that bad after all.

Take Noah's grandfather (some five generations removed), Maleleel, for example. Even the most devout of parents is unlikely in this day and age to name a child that.

But when Chariton's Maleleel Henry was born back in 1809, his parents seem not to have hesitated. At least they leafed through the King James version of the New Testament first (Luke 3:37) where the spelling has been simplified a little. Had they started at the beginning in the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 5:12), they would have spelled it "Mahalaleel."

Mr. Henry's passing on the cusp of his 89th birthday and subsequent burial in the Chariton Cemetery was noted only briefly in Chariton newspapers --- he died in Knoxville where he had lived for 20 years on Dec. 28, 1897, but was buried here on Dec. 30 because four children and his wife, Margaret, already occupied a family lot.

But I did find a more complete obituary published near his former home in Indiana --- in The Columbus Republic of Jan. 21, 1898. Here's the text of that obituary:


Maleleel Henry departed this life at the residence of his son, E.W., in Knoxville, Iowa, on Tuesday, Dec. 28, of old age.

Mr. Henry was born Jan. 7, 1809, in Harrison county, Kentucky, and when 16 years of age he removed to Indiana where he resided for 40 years. In 1864 he with his family moved to Chariton, Lucas county, Iowa, and after fifteen years moved to Knoxville, Iowa.

In 1837 he was married to Margaret Boaz in Bartholomew county, Indiana, who died in 1885. Two children remain to mourn the loss of a loving and faithful father, Clara Murphy of Golden City, Mo., and E.W. Henry of Knoxville. Mr. Henry was formerly a member of the Baptist church but had not been an active member for some time.

The remains were taken to Chariton Wednesday for burial.

Mr. Henry was a brother-in-law of W.N. Boaz, and resided in Clay township, near Sharon church.


Mr. Henry does not have a tombstone, although the graves of all other family members on the lot are marked. Most likely, Maleleel is buried next to his wife, Margaret, who predeceased him in 1885 and shares a tombstone with two of her sons.

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