Sunday, June 18, 2023

First came the peanuts ...

We had a beautiful Saturday for this year's Art at the Museum event at the Lucas County Historical Society Museum --- the most recent incarnation of a June event known for many years after 1985 as "Peanut Day."

That was the year our 1889 Royal peanut and coffee roaster, manufactured by A.J. Deer & Co. of New York,  arrived on campus courtesy of the late Bob Piper (1907-1987) from Piper's Grocery & Candy on the square.

Well over a century old, the roaster still works fine although a small electric motor now turns it and the burner is fired by propane.

This is the crew that turned out Saturday morning to roast the peanuts that were distributed free to all Art at the Museum comers, from left, board members Mike Smith, Jim Secor and Barry Foust.

The raw peanuts themselves came from the Dutchman's Store at Cantril. Raw peanuts must be kept in cold storage, so we're glad to have a local supplier that can provide just enough for the day.

There will be more photos from Art at the Museum later in the week, but it's first things (peanuts) first this morning.

1 comment:

Sue Cochran said...

The peanuts were yummy! We enjoyed them.