Monday, March 27, 2023

More like Jesus, you say?

After some deliberation, I decided that this bit of online wisdom would be appropriate to post on a 77th birthday.

I'm not distressed about getting old; nor do I have any interest in reliving the past. But paralleling myself and the big guy in Christianity, orthodox and non, or merely cultural, is a bit of a stretch.

Points 1-4, no problem.

Need to work harder on Point 5 during the upcoming year: "Be kind, loving, and merciful."

No interest at all, however, in napping on boats. My bed works just fine for that, thank you very much.

Since we're in the season, I'll happily acknowledge that Jesus rises from the dead moment by moment, day after day, in the lives and hearts of those who put into action the directions he left behind regarding love and charity. We need more of that. 

That, to me, is what Easter --- now upcoming --- is all about, wrapped in the mythology of physical resurrection and with a directive to carry the good work forward.


Keith dachenbach said...

Happy birthday frank. May not always agree with you but you always make me think and I greatly enjoy the history of our county you share

Jan said...

Happy birthday Frank!
Mine is Wednesday
Jan L.