Friday, February 03, 2023

Among the irrelevant mysteries of "Vera"

The search for the meaning of life via the internet wasn't going well this morning when I happened upon this by a favorite cartoonist, David Hayward, aka The Naked Pastor.

Although the protagonist here is a woman, it's dedicated to everyone passing through in an unpartnered state --- a status looked upon sometimes with suspicion by those who have paired off to breed or to  acquire a spouse, partner or "special friend" somewhere along the route and are curious about those who haven't.

The 12th season of Vera, my favorite (single) Geordie detective, is premiering this week on BritBox. And that's actually what brought this to mind, oddly enough. Now I wonder why ....

1 comment:

gregory burley brown said...

Thanks for sharing the cartoon. Suspicions about single, unattached people are nothing new. The benefits of couple status are praised and considered ideal. Lawful marriage equality has produced many benefits for queer people, but it has also contributed to a newly repressive Homonormativity.