Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A little inspiration on a Tuesday morning ...

The story I'd picked out to tell this morning seemed, upon consideration in dawn's early light, too gloomy. So I frittered away the time by reading accounts of the cloak-and-dagger strategies involved in President Biden's visit to Kyiv.

That's the president and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in front of St. Michael's monastery in Kyiv.

Here's The Washington Post's version of the story, published under the headline "Cloak-and-dagger moves allow Biden to sneak into Ukraine's war zone."

Many said Biden was too old to seek the presidency (including me now and then), but here he is at 80 --- on the frontline. The president was right more than a year ago about Putin's intentions and his course since then has been that of a consummate statesman.

He's making us old folks proud and, perhaps, serving as an inspiration. If that old man can engage in boots on the ground diplomacy, perhaps this one --- creeping toward but still some years away from his milestone --- could at least wash the dishes.

1 comment:

Pam Burlin said...

They are both daily inspirations! Slava Ukraine❤️