Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Way to go, Georgia voters ....

I'm surely grateful this morning to the Georgians who turned out Tuesday to elect U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock to his first full term --- and to Warnock himself for being such a compelling candidate. Warnock, you may remember, won a partial term in 2020, defeating GOP appointee Kelly Loeffler in a special election. His opponent in 2022 was Herschel Walker.

Here's a link to a good background piece of Warnock from today's New York Times headlined "A Pastor and Politician Who Sees Voting as a Form of Prayer." I'll also "gift" the story on my Facebook timeline for those who may have exceeded their limit of free Times stories.

That 51-seat Democrat advantage Warnock provides in the U.S. Senate will come in handy. But there's a good deal more to it. He's generally viewed as a compelling candidate and campaigner in the same class as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, good for the future of the party.

A ally of the LGBTQ+ community and friend of other progressive causes, this senior pastor of Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church also serves as a reminder that white evangelicals who define themselves as Christian do not define the larger community of Christ-followers despite all their screeching and hollering.

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