Sunday, December 11, 2022

For the third Sunday in Advent --- Gaudete

Tis the third Sunday in Advent and Christmas is exactly two weeks away. I've not warmed to the season yet --- a task that becomes more of a challenge the older I get.  But without feeling guilt or stress because of it.

I was just thinking the other day, looking back into another life, of the Christmas morning years ago that I was sent forth to find batteries to power someone's gift and found myself at the counter in a convenience store at mid-morning on the 25th.

The clerk wished another customer, an older woman, "Merry Christmas!" She responded, not unpleasantly, "My dear, it's just another day."

And I thought, "I'll never feel like that." Hmmmm.

Here's something appropriate for Gaudete Sunday --- or any other day, for that matter, during the seasons of Advent and Christmas.

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