Monday, November 07, 2022

Wither Pete Buttigieg as 2024 approaches?

Now that the mid-term is upon us, I've been playing it forward to 2024 --- looking toward I'm hoping the return to the public spotlight of Pete Buttigieg. This "Time" cover featuring "Mayor Pete" and his husband, Chasten, dates from 2019, but could be appropriate again in two more years.

Hopefully, President Biden decides not to seek another term. While the British monarch may feel obligated to enter glory in extreme old age wearing a tiara, there's no similar requirement for a U.S. president. 

This has nothing to do with Biden's job performance, merely with the reasonable expectation that a candidate will live long enough to complete his or her term. 

And the need to give younger folks a chance to straighten out some of the messes my generation has gotten us into.

Buttigieg has been doing what you'd expect lately --- soldiering away as Secretary of Transportation rather than grand-standing, gaining some of the experience he lacked last time around and remaining one of the most effective and compelling spokespeople Democrats have. He's also taken a few days off lately to campaign in his home state and elsewhere for Democrats.

So I'm looking forward to seeing what he plans to do next.

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