Monday, November 21, 2022

Jesus at the gay bar ....

I've been reading reports this morning about the shooting overnight Saturday at Colorado Springs' Club Q that left five patrons dead and at least 25 injured.

The suspect is in custody, but motive? So far we know that his grandfather is a right-wing California assemblyman and MAGA type; there are other indications that he grew up within that bizarre culture, perhaps burdened, too, with mental illness.

My thoughts always turn to Christian theology when violence of this sort occurs, the sort of theology now embraced and fostered by Republicans --- you know the sort of thing, declaring another person's humanity a sin or a curse; dividing humanity into the "redeemed" and the "lost."

And then I start wondering if the historic Jesus, could he be separated from centuries of myth and magic thinking, would be comfortable in most of the places he's conjured up these days --- slick megachurches and gilt and brocade cathedrals alike.

Or would he be more likely to turn up in a place like Club Q, as suggested in this brief work "Jesus at the Gay Bar" by British  transgender performance poet Jay Hulme.

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