Sunday, November 13, 2022

All in all, a happy Sunday morning

Among the interesting outcomes of last Tuesday's mid-terms:

1. Watching Iowa firm up its position of irrelevancy by investing heavily in tickets on a sinking ship as the "red wave" evaporated. So now we're represented in Washington, D.C., by a 90-year-old, another incumbent senator who has done nothing notable since first elected (Joni who?) and a bunch of representatives with no standing.

Not much to do for the next two years other than watch Gov. Reynolds and her merry band wreck the economy, turn public education funds over to right-wing Christianist private schools, turn away federal programs that might assist our most distressed neighbors and perhaps broaden her campaign of hate against trans kids and others.

2. As Democrats scored unpredicted victories, watching the pundits suddenly realize that young voters played a major part in this. We've been telling you for some time now that the future is young, that it has no particular interest in the "red" agenda and that it recognizes liars, charlatans and fools when it sees them.

3. As Democrats scored unpredicted victories, watching the pundits realize that reproductive choice and women's health issues were of consequence, perhaps more so than the economy. So while I'm certainly not  happy Roe v. Wade has been overturned --- if it had to happen the timing couldn't have been better for the long-run cause of democracy.

So all in all, it's a happy Sunday morning. Iowa may, you know, rise again. 

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