Sunday, February 06, 2022

Point and counterpoint in America's holy wars

The New York Times columnist David Brooks started an online conversation with a piece in Friday's edition headlined, "The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism From Itself."

Brooks, who might describe himself as a moderate conservative, posits that cracks in what we call evangelical Christianity these days are leading to efforts by dissenters --- distressed by the elevation of the former Donald Trump to the position of 21st century messiah --- to restore a kinder, gentler religion.

That piece inspired Hemant Mehta. who styles himself the Friendly Atheist, to write in response for Only Sky a piece entitled, "The evangelical ‘dissenters’ trying to ‘save’ the faith have their own problems."

Mehta's point is that evangelical Christianity has never been especially kind or gentle.

It's an interesting conversation for a Sunday morning. Personally, I side with Mehta. I grew up among evangelical Christians who were indeed for the most part kind and gentle --- but as a queer kid soon learned that their religion wasn't.

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