Wednesday, February 23, 2022

At least be able to locate Ukraine on a map

I've been reading this morning Washington Post senior editor Marc Fisher's piece headlined, "5,000 miles away but hitting home: How Russia’s advance on Ukraine is rattling Americans."  A variant headline might read, "Why Russia's advance on Ukraine should rattle Americans." That would include, of course, Iowans.

Kind of doubt many Iowans are especially interested --- yet. We're still preoccupied with scapegoating school teachers, banning books and deflecting imaginary threats from transgender children. Although, as you might expect, our state's senatorial delegation, Grassley and Earnst, has taken a bold stand --- against President Biden.

And every other social media post from my fellow progressives today appears to include a long list of reasons to care --- I've read a couple of the lists, and agree.

But it boils down to the fact that we're witnessing the leader of a Russian regime motivated by megalomania and armed with false narrative orchestrating the invasion a sovereign nation friendly to the interests of Western Europe and the Americas.

It would be a positive development in Iowa if, let's say, at least a quarter of the population at least could locate Ukraine on a map. So here are two plucked from my Facebook feed to help out.

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