Time for a snipet of spring poetry I think --- before the redbuds (and the red haws) fade at Lucas County's Red Haw State Park. So here's D.H. Lawrence's "Enkindled Spring."
This spring as it comes bursts up in bonfires green,
Wild puffing of emerald trees, and flame-filled bushes, Thorn-blossom lifting in wreaths of smoke between
Where the wood fumes up and the watery, flickering rushes.
I am amazed at this spring, this conflagration
Of green fires lit on the soil of the earth, this blaze
Of growing, and sparks that puff in wild gyration,
Faces of people streaming across my gaze.
Of green fires lit on the soil of the earth, this blaze
Of growing, and sparks that puff in wild gyration,
Faces of people streaming across my gaze.
And I, what fountain of fire am I among
This leaping combustion of spring? My spirit is tossed
About like a shadow buffeted in the throng
Of flames, a shadow that's gone astray, and is lost.
Most widely known now for its lavish display of redbuds, a non-native plant, Red Haw State Park was named for the white-blooming red haw, or hawthorn --- and there still are a few of those around.
Development of what became the park began during mid-September, 1934, when some 75 young men enrolled at CCC Camp Chariton went to work. The stone shelter came along in 1939. Between those dates, the area was christened Red Haw Hill State Park although the "Hill" has long since been dropped.
I've taken the images here, from redbuds at the top to red haw at the bottom, over the course of several years.
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