Sunday, October 18, 2020

My virtual yard signs ...

It's time to put out the virtual yard signs, now that Iowa's first real cold of the season caused the furnace to run overnight and lull me into sleeping late. 

"Biden-Harris" is a given, but this one would stand beside it --- at least until someone got around to destroying or swiping it. The sign fairly well speaks for itself.

The graphic was developed after the 2016 election by a Portland, Oregon-based organization with the euphonious name Nasty Women Get Shit Done (NWGSD) and profits from the sale of various products, including yard sighs, that bear it go to organizations that work toward one or more of the goals it expresses.

It's a bit late in the election cycle to order now, but the goals are enduring. Here's a link to the NWGSD web site.

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