Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Oatmeal with a side of Puccini

Ordinarily, Puccini cravings develop after watching a Merchant & Ivory film, but for some reason oatmeal did it this morning.

So here's a wake-up version of "Nessun dorma," that great showboat of an aria from "Turandot." The performer is German tenor Jonas Kaufmann and the occasion, one of the 2015 BBC Proms (formally, Henry Wood Promenade Concerts) --- an eight-week series of music and related cultural events centered in London.

Under ordinary circumstances, that music festival would have commenced in various venues during mid-July, but as with many other events during this summer of the coronavirus  new strategies have been required.

I'm sorry about the subtitles. They violate one of the basic rules for Americans who fancy opera ---  never expose yourself to a work in a language you understand. So just ignore them.

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