Sunday, July 12, 2020

Living "history" can be a trial ...

I swiped this meme from a friend, both social media and otherwise, who shared it yesterday --- it expresses well what I'm guessing is a near universal response to the interesting times that we're living in. 

That's especially true in the United States, where coronavirus numbers are soaring and deaths, which had declined, are mounting again in large part because of inept leadership on both national and state levels.  It seems increasingly as if we're frittering away early progress as the rest of the world looks on with dismay and a degree of deserved contempt.

The rules for coming through this all safely remain unchanged. Self-isolate to the degree you can, avoid so much as possible gatherings of large numbers of people where social distancing is not practiced or not possible, listen to the advice of medical professionals and not politicians, learn to separate fact from fiction and/or magic thinking, wash your hands frequently and wear a mask when it's necessary to be out and among people not in your own coterie.

Also, do all you can to protect people whose work makes it possible for you to live well despite the inconveniences we're all facing. All that involves is following the rules in the preceding paragraph.

And if you fancy yourself a Christian on this Sunday morning, stop lobbing Bible-verse bombs and put into practice the words of that guy some call the Master: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

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