Friday, May 29, 2020

A bouquet from the museum garden ....

I have a bouquet for you this morning --- images taken late last evening when I headed out to the museum to perform one of my most important functions: Pushing the garbage can down the north drive to the curb.

We all need some flowers today --- starting with a display of old-fashioned pinks that somehow managed to overwinter in the raised planter around the Stephens House sign and now has  burst into full bloom, as if we'd planned it.

The poppy is blooming in the big flower bed just south of the Stephens House.

As are a few others that I can't put a name to off the top of my head.

Iris are winding down.

But the peonies are just beginning to open.

The museum will remain closed until we can be more certain about the safety of guests, volunteers and staff --- but the grounds always are open.

There are paths to walk, flowers to look at and plenty of benches scattered around if you'd like to just sit and think.

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