Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An summer outing in a wheat field

Another photograph this morning from the Lenig-Umbenhower collection --- just because I like it so much, despite obvious technical imperfections. First, because of the informality of the pose --- subjects standing in what appears to be a field of wheat at a time when the majority of surviving images are stiff studio portraits.

Secondly, because I'd be willing to bet the image was taken, probably about 1908 near Belinda, by my great-uncle, Alpheus Elkanah Love, who was the photographer in nearby Columbia. Uncle Al had a great eye --- I've got quite a few of his images myself --- and although his equipment wasn't that advanced he loved adventuresome poses. Also, he always mounted his prints on plain cardstock, never on imprinted backings.

In this case, slow shutter speed combined with the difficulty of controlling subjects in a non-studio setting resulted in a few blurs.

This is one of several photographs donated last week to the Lucas County Historical Society by Gay Hedrick Moffit of North English and the young couple in the middle are her grandparents, Estella (Umbenhower) Lenig and Thomas Clyde Lenig. Tom probably is holding their firstborn, Oral Dwight, who arrived during April of 1908.

They are flanked by Estella's brother-in-law, Jobe McMannis, and sister, Sabra (Umbenhower) McMannis. Jobe probably is holding one of their children.

The young man at left in the bowler hat who is clad in an adventuresome shirt is not identified; nor do we have the names of the young couple on the right.

1 comment:

Betty said...

If you look closely the young man in the bowler hat appears to be holding what looks like a kitten!
A very nice photo.