Thursday, September 05, 2019

Tales from the crypt ...

I've experimented a couple of times this week with video, posting the least clumsy result --- "A Little Quality Time at the Chariton Cemetery with Deming Jarves Thayer" --- yesterday afternoon to a YouTube channel that's just sat there gathering dust for years.

I'll most likely do others now and then, since it's an easy and painless way to tell a story. So please don't be concerned if you see me at the cemetery sitting in front of a tombstone apparently talking to it.

I'm not going to invest in equipment just yet --- other than the phone --- so these won't be fancy. I think they'll get better with more experience in pointing and moving the phone while talking at the same time. And actually, the camera built into the phone is pretty good.

So stay tuned, if you like, and we'll see what develops.

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