Sunday, September 08, 2019

Iowa State University cheerleader, ca. 1907

I came across this vintage postcard --- dated Nov. 16, 1907 --- in the museum's collection yesterday. Truthfully, she probably wasn't intended to be what we would call a cheerleader today, but it's a great image.

F. Earl Christy (1882-1961) was an artist and illustrator who created quite a few "college girl" images for use by postcard companies. He was a student at the Pennsylvania Academy of Arts at the time this image was published.

For the record, the Iowa Agricultural College and Model Farm was renamed the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in 1898 and that was the official name until 1959 until it was rechristened Iowa State University of Science and Technology.

The other black and white images here seem to date from 1916 --- the year two of them were postmarked (the others have never been used).

Music Hall.

Margaret Hall, a women's dormitory.

The "New Plant Industry Building."

And a general campus view.

The final campus view, in color, is postmarked 1938.

1 comment:

Donald Hixenbaugh said...

What Chariton beauty was homecoming queen and Viesha queen at ISU?