Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Litany of Thanksgiving and Penance

A November afternoon at Red Haw State Park.

Creator, sustainer, ground of all being --- 

For the gifts of life, this mysterious and beautiful universe and the rainbow diversity of our human family. 

We are thankful.

For the gifts of water, food, fuel, shelter and other material blessings. 

We are thankful.

For the gifts of family, biological, created and potential. 

We are thankful.

For the power of love in all its expressions. 

We are thankful.

But we acknowledge our arrogance when, in search of certainty, we raise gods in our own image. 

Have mercy on us.

We acknowledge careless exploitation of the resources of this, our native land. 

Have mercy on us.

As descendants of immigrants, we acknowledge mistreatment and exploitation of those native to this land before our forebears arrived. 

Have mercy on us.

As descendants of privilege, we acknowledge mistreatment and exploitation of our enslaved black brothers and sisters and many others. 

Have mercy on us.

And as the beneficiaries of countless mercies, we acknowledge our failures to extend mercy to others.

Have mercy on us.

Grant that we may seek more to understand than to be understood, to turn ourselves toward the light and to become answered prayers.


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