Monday, September 10, 2018

Where the women are strong; men, good-looking ...

This is my week to stop the incessant research and finish scripts for the annual Chariton Cemetery Heritage Tour, scheduled for 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 23, and sponsored by the Chariton Historic Preservation Commission.

This year's theme is, "Where the Women are Strong and the Men, Good-looking," borrowing a theme established many years ago on the then-popular "Prairie Home Companion," since rebranded "Live From Here."

The long and the short of it is, while I'm engaged in doing that the fare here will be a little skimpy.

This distinctive tombstone marks the grave of Rebecca Hobson Bell Plympton, one of those strong women. You'll be amazed at the endurance and courage of this Lucas County pioneer. So stay tuned for details as the days pass.

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