Sunday, September 16, 2018

Let us now praise Henry Glenn ...

I came across the following brief promotional article for Henry S. Glenn's wagon manufactory last week while doing a little research into another matter. There's nothing remarkable about it, other than the fact I was able to pair it with two tintypes from the Lucas County Historical Society collection, taken at about the time the article was written.

The first tintype --- a big one --- is battered but relatively clear. The small portrait of Mr. Glenn is in far better condition.

The Glenn enterprise was located a quarter block south of the southeast corner of the square on lots now occupied primarily by a parking lot. Here's the article, from The Chariton Patriot of June 30, 1880.


It always gives us pleasure to refer to the manufacturing establishments of this city and none is more deserving of favorable notice and high praise than Glenn's wagon factory. The founder, H.S. Glenn, commenced business on a small scale about nine years since, but as time passed on, a demand grew up for first-class wagons, and H.S. Glenn was the man to meet the wants of the farming community, and although his factory is young in years it is old in reputation and has sprung into the front rank as one of the leading features of the west.

We were shown over this establishment the other day and we were thoroughly convinced that none but the best materials are used and none but the best workmen employed. Buying as he does everything for cash, in large quantities, he is enabled to compete successfully with all other competitors whether at home or abroad. He sells for cash with the understanding that if they do not prove as represented they can be returned.

Mr. Glenn has sold upwards of 300 wagons and about 75 light spring wagons, all of which have given unusual satisfaction. Great care is taken to select the very best material, as an evidence of which we refer to the immense stock of seasoned lumber continually on hand.

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