Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Sunshine --- in the garden, at least

We've had a long stretch of grey and damp days here; if the forecast is any indication, the trend will continue.

But there are spots of sunshine here and there as early flowers come into bloom.

These narcissus are blooming in the museum garden, the earliest of several varieties. The brightest are south of Stephens House; a paler variety, just coming into bloom in a big bed tucked into the southeast angle of the school.

The magnolias, in general, aren't blooming yet --- but the small museum "star," just planted a couple of years ago, tiny and loaded with blossoms this year, burst into bloom over the weekend.

Just west of here, a dedicated gardener several years ago bedecked the parking in front of his house with a variety of tiny early-spring bulbs. The gardener and the house both are gone now, the lot beyond the sidewalk cleared of much that once grew there.

But if you look carefully while walking by, you'll find two varieties of tiny reticulate iris in the grass.

As well as blue squill.

And a somewhat rarer variety of striped squill. 

It's worthwhile stopping for a moment to take a look.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

So lovely! The first blooms of spring are welcome in the bleak landscape of winter. This rain will green things up nicely.