Thursday, February 26, 2015

See redbud, think spring, stay warm

That fresh layer of snow on the ground plus a predicted overnight low of minus-11 or thereabouts suggests that this might be a good morning to pull out the big guns --- some photos of redbud season at Red Haw State Park. Even the Iowa Department of Natural Resources tweeted something similar a couple of weeks ago.

Red Haw's redbuds are naturalized and not native, but the concentration out there does produce one of the best natural shows in the south of Iowa.

I took these photos during late April, but there's really no way to predict exactly when the redbuds will bloom --- as early as late March, as late as early May; it all depends ....

That issue plagued attempts to hold a Redbud Festival in Chariton --- a worthy idea now laid to rest. Something like this has to be planned a year out and the planners' schedule rarely coincided with the redbuds' schedule.

It's always useful to point out that the redbuds have nothing to do with the "red" in Red Haw --- originally named Red Haw Hill State Park. Instead it was named for the hawthorn trees that bloom white and produce a fruit that ripens to red, called a "haw." Hence red haw tree.

Whatever the case, spring will come. In the meantime, stay warm.

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