Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The antique car photo mystery is solved

I asked for help this morning with this unidentified photograph from the Lucas County Historical Society collection --- and now the mystery has been solved thanks to blog links and Facebook friends. 

Commenting on the "You grew up in Chariton, Iowa, if you remember ..." page, Denny Milnes and Dee Milnes Swarthout recognized Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hamilton as the couple on the right. 

Betty Cross and Pat Offenbuger allowed me to identify the second couple from left as Van and Thelma Downing.

That in turn led to a newspaper article --- and the photo, published in The Chariton Herald-Patriot of July 3, 1958. Here's the article --- and thanks for the help!


Four local antique car enthusiasts, their wives and the family of one of the car owners, enjoyed an old-fashioned tour and box lunch picnic Sunday afternoon. Taking the 72-mile trip to Allerton State park and side excursions were the George Morrett family, extreme left, Mr. and Mrs. Van Downing, Mrs. Wayne Swanson (photographer and not pictured) and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hamilton. Hamilton drove a 1926 Ford, Swanson a 1925 Ford, Van Downing a 1925 Chevrolet and Morrett, a 1927 Plymouth.

The men own the cars and are laying plans for a second outing --- a trip to the State Fair --- and are seeking other antique car owners interested in making the trip. Stan Lamphers, owner of a 1929 Ford and a 1917 Maxwell, also a member of the group, was unable to make Sunday's trip. The cars averaged about 25 miles an hour, requiring from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the trip and lunch break.

1 comment:

Ken said...

I'm surprised that cars that were only 31 to 33 years old were called "antiques" in this 1958 newspaper article. That would be like our calling cars from the early 80s antiques. They might be "classics," but hardly antiques.