Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Templeton Rye

This is developing into one of those weeks when a stiff drink might be in order. Massive flooding in Colorado, a mass shooting in Washington, D.C., and what a friend calls "crazy busy" on the homefront. But other than coffee, occasionally lemonade, and water --- I don't drink. Well, maybe twice a year to be polite; then in moderation.

But I got a virtual kick this morning, while searching for wisdom via Google, out of finding this story from Aljazeera America about Templeton Rye whiskey

The Templeton story is fairly well known in Iowa, or at least I think it is. The tiny Carroll County (west central Iowa) town of that name became a hotbed of bootlegging activity during Prohibition, producing and exporting illegally a variety of rye whisky that, among its other alleged claims to fame, was Al Capone's favorite drink. Count on Iowa farmers to find innovative ways to supplement their incomes. 

Templeton Rye Whiskey was registered as a trademark by descendants of those bootleggers, but limped along and eventually went inactive shortly after the turn of the 21st Century. Soon thereafter, it was revived by Iowa entrepreneurs, gained a following in Iowa and, during 2007, began to be distributed beyond our borders. It's supposed to be good stuff.

The whiskey actually is distilled in Indiana, using a Prohibition-era recipe from Iowa, but shipped to Templeton in tanker trucks where it is aged, bottled and distributed. You can read more about it all at Aljazeera, or here on the Templeton Web site. Cheers!

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