Thursday, August 29, 2013

A couple of breakfast links

Watering (in progress); unloading mulch (done).

One of the gardeners is waking up in Germany this morning, another is headed for an overnighter in Hannibal --- so I'm going to go water the garden at first light. This may be wasted effort, unless it rains soon, but it never hurts to try.

Then there's all that mulch. We got a very special deal on 70 jumbo sacks of it yesterday, some of it still in the back of the pickup.

I would complain about the heat, but Danelle out south of town at Stamps Family Farm already has done that. So go read her account of life on the farm with animals on what was, to date, the hottest day of the year.

Brenda, down in Wayne County, has been canning and preserving --- something I like to think about on high summer days, but not do. Plum jelly and jam. Beautiful photos, too

If you want to cool off, John Pearson has reappeared in the blogosphere after two months off with an account of a trip earlier in August to Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. This will help.

And it turns out half the world is related to Jones Cemetery, including my friend Jo Porter. Here's a blog I happened onto earlier in the week by an Iowa expat now living in the Rockies. The author of Musings of MidwestAncesTree is related to the Jones and Morlans, too.

A beautiful morning!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Frank, the sunflower photo that now heads your blog is BEAUTIFUL! I need to get down to the museum garden and take a photo of the sunflower Bill has growing down there.