Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Myopia and crime scenes

I always figure you should report when you do things for the first time --- like inadvertently disturb a crime scene. Whoops.

Anyway, we got together at 6 this morning to do a little more cleaning on the square and at the start there were two of us working east on Braden from the northeast corner of the square --- one spraying weeds in northside cracks south of the Charitone; me, picking up trash on and along the southside sidewalk.

 Down by Constitution Park there were shards of broken glass on the sidewalk. Picked those up, boxed them and put them in the nearest garbage container. Looked behind the shrubs --- a computer keyboard (abandoned, I figured, in this throw-away day and age) and a broken CD case and CD. Piked those up and put them in the garbage, too.

Now if I'd been looking up instead of down, I might have glanced across the street and noticed that someone had kicked, knocked or in some other manner smashed in one of the Chariton Newspapers front doors. That might have suggested that the scattered electronics had originated somewhere specific. Maybe I could have called the police.

But I didn't, didn't notice and we moved on to the east-side alley to pull weeds, clear trash, etc. And a while later, along came a police officer who asked, "did you notice anything?"

Obviously, not enough. The lesson here may be, "keep looking up."

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