Two hundred and fifty or so pelicans checked in late Saturday and I wanted to be there this morning when they got up --- just to be there since without the proper equipment and with limited skill this wasn't going to be much of a photo opportunity.
The big birds had been parked along the north shore of the east pond enjoying supper Saturday night, but most still were drowsing well out into the pond --- only a few heads visible when I drove down before 7.
Then the alarm sounded --- a Union Pacific freight rumbling down the tracks that parallel the marsh levee (and also the Chariton River just beyond). Pelicans that had been having early breakfast rose from a neck of the pond concealed by trees and were joined by about a third of their more altert brethren on the pond propper for a quick in-flight jog before all settled down for breakfast.
When I checked in again at 11 a.m., the pelicans had checked out --- last seen heading north.
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